Remember that clothing labels don’t always match up with the child’s age.
Although baby and kids’ clothing is often sized by age (newborn, 6-9 months, 2T, etc.), these size labels should simply be used as a starting point. Children grow at different rates and each child’s growth is unique, so keep in mind that you may need to purchase a size that doesn’t match the child’s age.
We hope that these guidelines will help you shop better for your baby and as you gift your loved ones.
When in doubt, go a size up.
The first year of a child’s life is filled with rapid growth and weight gain. Consider these general guidelines for infant growth in the first year:
The weight of a newborn is around 2.6 to 3.8 kg. Babies tend to gain about half a kg each month for the first six months. Most babies double their birth weight by six months of age and triple it by the time they are a year old.
In general, during the first six months, a baby grows about one inch per month. Between six months and one year, that growth slows down a bit to about a 1/2 inch per month.
You may also notice that Carter’s baby clothes are labelled with a single size instead of a size range (for example 3M instead of 0-3M). Carter’s clothing that is labelled 3M typically compares to the 0-3M range in other brands.

Have you ever wondered why baby clothes go up to 24 months and toddler clothes start at 2T, but both sizes represent two years? Maybe you’ve wondered what size is 2T, but what’s the difference between 24 months and 2T?
Some two-year-olds may be potty trained and therefore may not need extra room in clothes to fit over a diaper. For toddler clothing sizes, 24Months items are designed to accommodate a child’s diaper, while 2T are for a child who may no longer be wearing diapers.
Toddler Size Guide